ARSA’s Mission is to create a place where all asylum seekers/ refugees can enjoy their fundamental rights and services and live in a harmony with the host community. ARSA strives for creating a safe place and ensuring the well-being of asylum seekers and refugees.

ARSA’s mission is to;

  • to create a place where refugees can receive help accessing fundamental rights and services in Turkey. So, ARSA strives to create a safe space to ensure the well-being of all refugees in Turkey,
  • to create solutions to the problems that refugees and asylum seekers encounter in Turkey, to help them to fulfil their basic needs, and to empower them by providing classes and programs so that they can succeed in Turkey,
  • to attract the relevant authorities’ attention to the problems of refugees and asylum seekers by raising awareness through activities and programs,
  • to Provide assistance for the most vulnerable cases by mobilizing various resources,
  • to Organize activities strengthening social harmony and public peace and aiming to raise public awareness,
  • to Contribute to academic studies regarding the field of refugee and law,
  • to Inform civil society organizations and public institutions about statistical data needs analysis and migration tendency,
  • to Mobilize local and public resources for the benefit of asylum seekers and migrants.