The Afghan Refugees Solidarity Association (ARSA) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Turkey that has been actively operating since 2009. ARSA primarily focuses on providing support and solidarity to asylum seekers and refugees, particularly from Afghanistan, as well as collaborating with various stakeholders, including local authorities, government organizations, NGOs, and international organizations.
ARSA's mission centers around advocating for the rights and well-being of asylum seekers and refugees in Turkey, with a strong emphasis on social integration and community inclusion. The organization engages in a wide range of activities and projects, including legal support, educational programs, cultural and social initiatives, and advocacy efforts.
ARSA maintains a substantial network of volunteers and partnerships with various entities to facilitate its work and support refugees in accessing essential services, such as healthcare, education, and legal assistance. The organization has been recognized for its dedication to these causes and has received several international and national awards.
In addition to its local and national efforts, ARSA also collaborates with academic institutions and researchers to conduct research on the living conditions of asylum seekers in Turkey. The organization actively engages with the media and participates in interviews to raise awareness about the challenges faced by refugees and asylum seekers.

Here are some additional key details about ARSA:

• Number of Activities: ARSA has implemented more than 300 initiatives, activities, and projects since its official inception in 2009. These activities encompass various areas, includes; education initiatives, livelihood support, protection services, healthcare programs, cash assistance, social activities, and shelter-related projects.
• Number of Beneficiaries: ARSA has served a significant number of beneficiaries over the years, with increasing outreach. The organization has provided services to more than 120 thousands of refugees, asylum seekers, and locals both adults and children, across different provinces in Turkey.
• Volunteer Engagement: ARSA relies on a network of volunteers, with 162 volunteers operating inside Turkey, enabling the organization to offer services such as translation, registration support, and community activities.

Overall, ARSA is a prominent advocate for the rights and well-being of Afghan refugees and other asylum seekers in Turkey. The organization's multifaceted approach and extensive network of volunteers contribute to its significant impact on the lives of refugees and asylum seekers.